PROMETHEUS LABORATORIES, INC. v. ROXANE LABORATORIES, INC. (Fed. Cir. 2015) (P) – It is obvious to treat a subset of patients with an otherwise known procedure without unexpected results

It is generally obvious to treat a limited subset of patients with an otherwise known procedure when there are no unexpected results directly attributable to the patient subset itself. Here, for example, limiting the patient pool for a drug treating irritable bowel...

ATLAS IP, LLC v. MEDTRONIC, INC. (Fed. Cir. 2015) (P) – Imprecisions about plurals and conjunctions found in the claim language should be resolved by context

Imprecisions about plurals and conjunctions found in the claim language should be resolved by context. Here, for example, a hub / remote device communication cycle having “intervals during which the hub and the remotes transmit and receive frames” was found to...